I encourage pilgrims to a number of spiritual practices before they leave. Some will want to do it all, but no one should feel they have to – Do what is graced for you, and walk right past anything that wouldn’t feed your relationship with the Lord.
1. Pray during your pre-pilgrimage workouts. It might be good
a. to do no more than be silent in the Father’s or Jesus’ presence,
b. to pray, in your own words, prayers of petition,
c. to give thanks for blessings received,
d. or to offer praise.
2. You most certainly could continue any favorite devotions and incorporate them into workouts:
a. Preface your walks with a reading of the day’s Scriptures (bible.usccb.org) and then spend some time connecting those readings to your life.
b. You can easily pray the rosary on long walks.
3. Choose a small, smooth stone to represent your life’s concerns that burden you.
a. Carry the stone on your practice walks.
b. Intentionally “place” your burdens on the rock as they occur to you.
c. Pack the rock before you go.
i. If you’re on the Camino Frances you will be able to place it at the foot of the Cruz de Ferro (iron cross) at the half way point of your journey.
ii. If you’re on a different route, or a shorter route version of the Frances, you can find a place of your own choosing, before reaching Santiago – Do not place your rock in any church, chapel or building. This is an outside project.
iii. Work on your life’s concerns as you walk your Camino, so that, as you place your rock, you can honestly let go of resentments, hurts, bad habits, childhood wounds, etc., as needed.
1. Connect your pilgrimage to your home parish, priests and fellow parishioners.
a. Ask your friends, family and fellow parishioners, and well in advance, for their prayer needs and petitions so that you can bring them with you to enliven your prayers.
b. Put them in a note on your phone so that you can always have them handy to pray for a few of them when your pass by a shrine, chapel or church.
2. Ask your parish priest to follow the ancient practice and bless your gear;
a. Schedule a time in advance with your priest of choice. You shouldn’t need more than thirty minutes.
b. Chose from amont the prayers at pilgrimheart.org/resources/blessings and give them to your priest, or send him to this website to determine his own preferences.
c. Bring your backpack (scrip, of old), and your walking sticks (staff) if you plan to use them.