Adapted from the 13th Century Pontifical of Apamea:
Lord Jesus Christ, because of your infinite compassion, by the command of the Father, and through the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, you came down from heaven to seek the lost sheep, caught in the devil’s snare, and to bring back heaven’s flock, carrying us on your shoulders. We humbly call upon you, most gracious Lord: sanctify (+) and bless these backpacks for those who, for the love of your name, will bear them over their own shoulders as they fulfill your command. When they petition in prayer, seek in pilgrimage, and live a worthy life, may they encounter your salvation in this life. Grant that, while bearing these backpacks, through the protection of your right hand, your pilgrim servants may come safely, at last, to our true heavenly home. We ask this of you who live and reign, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen[ii]
Adapted from the 13th Century Pontifical of the Roman Curia:
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, receive this bag as a sign of your pilgrimage, so that having been disciplined, saved, and corrected, you may arrive worthily at the threshold of the saints. After your journey has been completed, may you return safely to your own country. By him…[iii]
[ii] Domine Iesu Christe, qui tua ineffabili miseratione, patris iussione, spiritus sancti cooperatione, de coelo descendere ovemquam perditam diabolica seductione voluisti quaerere, atque propriis humeris ad coelestis patriae gregem referre, quique praecepisti natis ecclesiae orando petere, bene vivendo quaerere ac pulsando perserverare, quo citius invenire valeant salutaris praemia vitae, te humiliter invocamus, clementissime domine, quatenus sanctificando benedicere atque benedicendo hanc peram digneris santificare, ut quicumque eam, pro tui nominis amore, instar humilis armaturae, lateri suo applicare sicque peregrinando suffragia sanctorum humili comitante devotione studuerit quaerere, dexterae tuae protectus munimine, pervenire mereatur ad gaudia mansionis aeterne. Qui vivis cum eodem Deo patre et spiritu sancto Deus.
[iii] Hic tradatur pera et dicatur: In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi, accipe hanc peram, signum peregrinationis tue, ut bene castigates et salvus et bene emendatus pervenire merearis ad limina sanctorum et, peracto itinere tuo, sospes ad propria reverti merearis. Per eumd.