There are many pilgrims hoping to deepen their faith as they participate in the Camino. The Camino stories, Scripture passages and reflections are aimed at this deeper dive.
Spirituality, faith, religious practices remain available to the modern pilgrim, now as much as in the past. This site hopes to investigate these intrinsically important elements of pilgrimage with these aids:
daily meditations,
rites of blessing,
Catholic trivia associated with the Camino and pilgrimage,
and a calendar of the many pilgrim saints who still accompany us on our journeys.
What this site is not:
This site is not a travelogue. While Camino stories are included, they aren’t told to recount the author’s journey but because they elucidate some point
This is not a place for theological or interreligious debate, which are distractions from the transformation that the Camino provides. Where sincere and open questions are asked, and time permits, responses may be given. Posts of a contentious, sectarian, political, antagonistic or divisive nature will be quickly and calmly deleted.
It is not a how-to-do manual, so this is not a site to learn
how to pack,
how to obtain passports, visas, etc.,
how to find albergues,
how to arrange for bag transfers, etc.
There are many other wonderful sites* offering such advice and making recommendations on good literature