The day started off cool and misty. Jim set off 30 minutes ahead of me. He walks a little slower, and this gives him a chance to walk at his own pace and not feel like he’s holding me back. If I catch up to him somewhere down the road we walk the last leg together. It gives us some grace silence and then some lovely conversations. It’s become a lovely pattern to our day.
There are two possible routes today. Both are supposed to be beautiful. One requires a walk of 31 km, to Monte Vigiano, and includes a lovely walk in the wild. Jim and I decided we weren’t doing anything over 30 km, so we chose to break this route up by using the alternate route to Colle Di Val D’Elsa , at 13 km. It gives us a chance to see the old town there and boy was it worth it. The entire route has been beautifully way marked, including the point where the two options diverge from one another. There’s no need to worry. When you get there, it will be obvious.
According to the weather, prognosticators, somewhere in October, it’s supposed to get cool enough in the evenings that you need a jacket. It hasn’t happened so far. The morning of all been cool, and the evenings have been warm enough. In the mid afternoon and late afternoon it heads up into the low 80s. All in all, very pleasant.
Today, we forwarded two little brooks, jumping from stone to stone for the very first time.
For the last several mornings, there have been gunshots off in the distance. I remember reading somewhere that October was bore hunting season.
On my journey, there was a beautiful little rest off about halfway. People are so very kind, aren’t they?
If I had any encouragement for you, on this Sunday, it would simply be to reflect again, and again over these precious lines from our second rating today, from Phil 4: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Love from your priest,
Fr. Patrick
WOW! Love from your people, Padre Serra & Camarillo
Great photos again. Thank you. I am glad that everything seems be very well marked for those walking the path. Very helpful and makes the days much more enjoyable, I am sure.
What a lovely rest stop for anyone in need of same!
Very loooong Mass today at 11:00. Fr. Kevin’s classmate was the presider. Mass finally completed at 12:25pm. Good sized congregation, most of whom stayed to the end, or close to it. We miss you, dear Fr. Patrick.
All these small towns and their huge and beautiful churches are worth the trip.
Blessings to you and Fr. Jim
Bill R.